We are pleased to announce that the HECKTOR (HEad and neCK TumOR segmentation and outcome prediction in PET/CT images) challenge has been renewed for a third edition at MICCAI 2022 (September 18-22, 2022, Singapore).

This challenge was created in 2020 to create an opportunity for the comparison of automated algorithms dedicated to the segmentation of head and neck primary tumors in FDG PET/CT multimodal images. This first edition relied on a dataset of 254 patients from 5 centers and attracted about 20 challengers. In 2021, the challenge was renewed with a larger dataset (325 patients from 6 centers) with the addition of a second task, the prediction of progression-free survival (PFS). This second edition was quite successful, with twice the number of submissions (~40) for the first task and 30 for the second task [2].
This year, challengers are again invited to compete in the same tasks, although the segmentation one now includes the fully automated detection and segmentation of lymph nodes in addition to the primary tumor, and the dataset should contain more than a thousand patients collected from 9 participating centers.
For 2022, the challenge is now hosted on the platform grand-challenge.org: https://hecktor.grand-challenge.org/. Registrations will open soon.
The full list of MICCAI challenges is now online: https://conferences.miccai.org/2022/en/MICCAI2022-CHALLENGES.html