Our work on “Reproducibility of lung cancer radiomics features extracted from data‑driven respiratory gating and free‑breathing flow imaging in [18F]‑FDG PET/CT“, Daphné Faist et al., has been published in the Springer Nature European Journal of Hybrid Imaging.
The quality and reproducibility of radiomics studies are essential requirements for the standardisation of radiomics models. As recent data-driven respiratory gating (DDG) [18F]-FDG has shown superior diagnostic performance in lung cancer, we evaluated the impact of DDG on the reproducibility of radiomics features derived from [18F]-FDG PET/CT in comparison to free-breathing flow (FB) imaging.
This study showed that 131 out of 141 radiomics features calculated on all pulmonary lesions can be used interchangeably between DDG and FB PET/CT acquisitions. Besides, radiomics features derived from pulmonary lesions located inferior to the superior lobes are subject to greater variability as well as pulmonary lesions of smaller size.