Valentin Oreiller succesfully defended his PhD thesis on Validating and Optimizing the Specificity of Image Biomarkers for Personalized Medicine. In his work, supervised by Prof. Adrien Depeursinge (HES-SO) and, Prof. John O. Prior (CHUV), Valentin obtained excellent achievements:
- He designed directional image operators that are Locally Rotation Invariant (LRI), based on the power spectrum and bispectrum of the circular harmonics expansion for 2D images or spherical harmonics expansion for 3D images.
- He also tackled a crucial aspect in designing robust predictive models, that is the need for large datasets and benchmarks. An important part of his thesis is the organization of the HEad and neCK tumOR segmentation and outcome prediction in PET/CT images (HECKTOR) challenge.
His list of publications is available online: