Optimizing Vision reHABilitation with virtual-reality games in paediatric amblyopia

Paediatric amblyopia (PA, lazy eye) is a common, developmental vision disorder in children. Typical treatment for PA is based on forcing the use of the bad eye to obtain a clear retinal image in each eye. But several aspects of PA vision disorder, like the involvement of 3D vision and motor function, are still understudied and not integrated in the rehabilitation process. The EU-funded V-HAB project will conduct a deep investigation into vision-related sciences with emphasis on the role of motor control as well as selective attention in PA. This project will improve the efficiency of PA therapy and introduce innovative engaging 3D games in a virtual environment to make the therapy attractive for children.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 890641.