Coordinated approacH to the EurOpean effoRt on aUdio-visual Search engines
CHORUS+ is a Coordinative Action which objectives is to coordinate national and international projects and initiatives in the Search-engine domain and to extend this Coordination in non-European countries.
CHORUS+ works on the following key questions:
- Support the integration and strengthening of a single European research area by stimulating interaction and co-ordination among research projects at the EU level in the area of audio-visual search engines.
- Extend cooperation and coordination to Asian countries (Japan, Singapore and China) and, if applicable, to the USA, since the topic of multimedia search engine represents a global concern today which needs a wider cooperation scope than European frontiers. Emergent efforts from these countries will be watched and establishing connections will be investigated.
- Support the creation of a multi-disciplinary approach for the implementation and setting-up of audio-visual search engines in the EU.
- Support the dissemination of results and strategies developed within the ICT Program.