Invited talk by Dr Paul Matusz at HUG

Dr Paul Matusz is giving an invited talk in Geneva at the Centre Imagerie Biomedicale on using EEG and electrical neuroimaging analysis techniques to better understand brain, sensory and cognitive development. It will take place at HUG at 10AM on Friday, March 2nd.


More information available here.

The Swiss Foundation for Rehabilitation Technology (FSP) founds the Innovation center for Assistive Technologies (IATLab).

FSP develops auxiliary technological tools for people living with a handicap or  neurological disorder since 1999. The Innovation center for Assistive Technologies (IATLab) was founded on January 1st 2018 in Sierre for the development of new auxiliary tools for people suffering paralysis from a spinal cord injury.

More information on the website:

CLEF 2017 working notes now available online

The CLEF 2017 Working Notes have been published in CEUR-WS as volume 1866:

The CLEF 2017 conference is the eighteenth edition of the popular CLEF campaign and workshop series which has run since 2000 contributing to the systematic evaluation of multilingual and multimodal information access systems, primarily through experimentation on shared tasks. In 2010 CLEF was launched in a new format, as a conference with research presentations, panels, poster and demo sessions and laboratory evaluation workshops. These are proposed and operated by groups of organizers volunteering their time and effort to define, promote, administrate and run an evaluation activity. CLEF 2017 was hosted by the ADAPT Centre , Dublin City University and Trinity College Dublin from the 11th to 14th September 2017. This year’s conference was also co-located with MediaEval and the program included joint sessions between both MediaEval and CLEF to allow for cross fertilisation.