MD PAEDIGREE project mentioned in Le Monde

The french journal Le Monde included in the article ‘Vers un big data européen de la santé’ a comment about the MD PAEDIGREE project in which HES-SO is participating. 

The Model-Driven European Paediatric Digital Repository (MD PAEDIGREE) project is a clinically-driven concerted effort between seven clinical centres, four European and one US industrial partners, two consultancies, and nine research partners within the Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) community

HES-SO Sierre is participating in the Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme

This Intensive Program (Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme 2014 in Ghent) has two main goals:
1. To develop creativity and autonomy thanks to an assisted “learning by doing” methodology.
2. To create 5 working innotative and interective HMI Prototypes at the end of the program, with the theme “The Internet of Things for Healthcare”, thanks to several focused workshops and to large periods of group work.
For more information go to 


Prof. Henning Müller is an invited speaker in the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 2014

The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 2014 (ICAISC 2014) in Zakopane, Poland has invited Prof. Henning Müller as an invited speaker. The title of the talk is ‘Developments in medical image retrieval’. The Conference will take place from June 1-5, 2014.

For more information go to

Paper in texture analysis now available in Medical Image Analysis

The paper ‘Three-dimensional solid texture analysis in biomedical imaging: review and opportunities’ by Adrien Depeursinge, Antonio Foncubierta-Rodríguez, Dimitri Van de Ville and Henning Müller is now available at Medical Image Analysis:


Three–dimensional computerized characterization of biomedical solid textures is key to large–scale and high–throughput screening of imaging data. Such data increasingly become available in the clinical and research environments with an ever increasing spatial resolution. In this text we exhaustively analyze the state–of–the–art in 3–D biomedical texture analysis to identify the specific needs of the application domains and extract promising trends in image processing algorithms. The geometrical properties of biomedical textures are studied both in their natural space and on digitized lattices. It is found that most of the tissue types have strong multi–scale directional properties, that are well captured by imaging protocols with high resolutions and spherical spatial transfer functions. The information modeled by the various image processing techniques is analyzed and visualized by displaying their 3–D texture primitives. We demonstrate that non–convolutional approaches are expected to provide best results when the size of structures are inferior to five voxels. For larger structures, it is shown that only multi–scale directional convolutional approaches that are non–separable allow for an unbiased modeling of 3–D biomedical textures. With the increase of high–resolution isotropic imaging protocols in clinical routine and research, these models are expected to best leverage the wealth of 3–D biomedical texture analysis in the future. Future research directions and opportunities are proposed to efficiently model personalized image–based phenotypes of normal biomedical tissue and its alterations. The integration of the clinical and genomic context is expected to better explain the intra class variation of healthy biomedical textures. Using texture synthesis, this provides the exciting opportunity to simulate and visualize texture atlases of normal ageing process and disease progression for enhanced treatment planning and clinical care management.

Travel grant for brokerage event at ICT2013 awarded to Henning Müller

Prof. Henning Müller has been awarded a travel grant to attent the brokerage event at ICT 2013. The event will take place on 7-8 November 2013 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

The funding is provided by the Idealist2014 project to supprot the networking between Swiss and EU13*participants in project to support the networking between Swiss and EU13*participants in the new EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon2020

Mobile app reviewed on Aunt Minni

Hesso’s mobile app for uploading patient photos from smartphones was reviewed in a text from Aunt Minni

 The smartphone app can quickly add patient information, upload and annotate images, and share the images with other users of the application. They could also be exported to a patient record.


Submissions to SPIE Medical Imaging 2014

Two abstracts have been submitted to SPIE Medical Imaging 2014. The Conferences will take place in San Diego, USA the 15-20 February 2014.

The abstracts are related to Multi-organ Probability Maps in whole body MR images and Pulmonary Embolism detection in 4D Dual Energy CT.

Registration open for Visceral Benchmark 1

Registration to participate in VISCERAL Benchmark 1 has opened. Links to an Specfication document and Registration website are available at Benchmark 1 page

35 volumes from 5 modalities are in the VISCERAL training set. In these volumes, 478 manual segmentations of individual organs are available. All 35 volumes also have a number of landmarks manually placed. The following organs are annotated: Kidneys, spleen, liver, lungs, urinary bladder, rectus abdominis muscle, lumbar vertebra #1, thyroid gland, pancreas, psoas major muscles, gall bladder, sternum, aorta, trachea, and adrenal glands.


Papers accepted at MICCAI 2013

We have one paper accepted in the main MICCAI 2013 conference, and one paper accepted in MICCAI-MCV 2013 workshop (Medical Computer Vision: Large Data in Medical Imaging):

Epileptogenic Lesion Quantication in MRI Using Contralateral 3D Texture Comparisons, Oscar Alfonso Jiménez del Toro, Antonio Foncubierta-Rodriguez, María Isabel Vargas Gómez, Henning Müller, Adrien Depeursinge, MICCAI 2013, Nagoya, Japan.


2D-Based 3D Volume Retrieval Using Singular Value Decomposition of Detected Regions, Alba G. Seco de Herrera, Antonio Foncubierta-Rodríguez, Emanuele Schiavi, Henning Müller, MICCAI-MCV 2013, Nagoya, Japan.

Visceral teaser dataset available

The VISCERAL benchmark 1 teaser dataset has been released. It includes 4 volumes, annotations, landmarks, and Matlab tutorial functions that allow participants to easily explore the data, and understand the coordinate and label conventions.

This data can be obtained by e-mail request from georg.langs[at] This data can only be made available on condition that is not used in any publications and not distributed further. Please agree to these conditions in the request e-mail.

The full dataset will be available from the 1st of August, when VISCERAL Benchmark 1 starts. The full dataset will be subject to a detailed usage agreement, but will not be subject to the restriction on publication.