Official start of the HECKTOR challenge

We are happy to announce the official start of the HECKTOR challenge (at MICCAI 2020) with the release of the training data. It comprises 201 cases of Head and Neck tumors with manual annotations on PET-CT images for segmentation of primary Gross Tumor Volumes.

The data can be downloaded from the aicrowd page.

A code for preprocessing the data, a baseline CNN and an example evaluation can be found on our github repository.

Video Tutorial on Interpretable Machine Learning

How do you interpret your machine learning models?
Our third-year Ph.D. student Mara Graziani gave a virtual tutorial at IBM Research Zurich about applying interpretability techniques.
The recording was kindly shared on the Youtube channel of our school.

This talk provides an overview of the main interpretability approaches and a glimpse of our future research directions.

Paper accepted at BioRob 2020

Our paper on the “Effect of movement type on the classification of electromyography data for the control of dexterous prosthetic hands” by Manfredo Atzori, Elisa Rosanda, Giorgio Pajardi, Franco Bassetto and Henning Müller has been accepted for presentation at the IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2020). The conference is currently planned to take place 29 Nov. – 2 Dec. 2020, in New York City, NY, USA.

Paper on head and neck tumor segmentation accepted at MIDL 2020

Our paper on Automatic Segmentation of Head and Neck Tumors and Nodal Metastases in PET-CT has been accepted for presentation at the international conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL). The conference will be fully virtual 6-8 July. In this paper, we developed a baseline for our MICCAI challenge (HECKTOR, more information to come).

head and neck tumor segmentation in PET-CT image

Paper accepted at EMBC 2020

Our paper entitled “Training a Deep Neural Networks for Small and Highly Heterogeneous MRI Datasets for Cancer Grading”, by Marek Wodzinski, Tommaso Banzato, Manfredo Atzori, Vincent Andrearczyk, Yashin Dicente Cid and Henning Müller, has been accepted for presentation at EMBC 2020, the International Conferences of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society in conjunction with the Conference of the Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society.

Paper published in European Radiology Experimental

The paper “Integrating radiomics into holomics for personalised oncology: from algorithms to bedside” by Roberto Gatta, Adrien Depeursinge, Osman Ratib, Olivier Michielin, and Antoine Leimgruber has been accepted for publication in European Radiology Experimental.

This work is the result of a collaboration between CHUV, HES-SO, and the Riviera-Chablais Hospital.

The full text is now available online at this link.

New paper accepted in Scientific Data

The paper entitled “Gaze, visual, myoelectric, and inertial data of grasps for intelligent prosthetics“, by Matteo Cognolato, Arjan Gijsberts, Valentina Gregori, Gianluca Saetta, Katia Giacomino, Anne-Gabrielle Mittaz Hager, Andrea Gigli, Diego Faccio, Cesare Tiengo, Franco Bassetto, Barbara Caputo, Peter Brugger, Manfredo Atzori and Henning Müller has been accepted and published in Scientific Data, a journal from the publishers of Nature.

Find MedGIFT on Medium

Don’t miss our new Medium publication page. You can find there technical tutorials, stories and insights on our research focus, and updates from conferences.

Some of our latest posts are:

How docker changed my life: deploying machine learning has never been this easy!

A simple formula for complex research: how to explain the role of AI to non- geeks

The prosthesis that everybody wants: working with amputees to design inexpensive prosthetic hands that work well

How to ‘crack the code’ of the developing brain?

Marie Curie Fellowship awarded to Cristina Simon-Martinez!

Cristina Simon-Martinez has been awarded a prestigious Individual Fellowship of the Marie Curie Actions, funded by the European Union, for the project Optimizing Vision reHABilition with virtual-reality games in pediatric amblyopia (V-HAB). The grant lasts for 2 years and offers exciting new learning opportunities, also contributing to the training, networking and research costs of the fellow. With this grant, Cristina will study the impact of vision deficits on cognition and motor control in children with pediatric amblyopia and will use virtual reality as a means to reduce those deficits.