Amjad Khan successfully defended his Master’s thesis

Congratulations to Amjad Khan for successfully defending his Master’s thesis entitled “Improving Generalization of Convolution Neural Networks for Digital Pathology by Minimizing Stain Heterogeneity through Normalization, Augmentation and Domain Learning”, under the supervision of Prof. Henning Müller.

Proceedings of the thesis of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Medical Imaging and Applications (MaIA) are available here.

Paper accepted at EINFRA19

The paper  “Reference Exascale Architecture” has been accepted for publication at the EINFRA19 workshop at IEEE eScience 2019.

The half-day workshop will take place on the 24th of September in San Diego, CA, USA. 

Full list of authors: Martin Bobák, Ladislav Hluchy, Adam S. Z. Belloum, Reginald Cushing, Jan Meizner, Piotr Nowakowski, Viet Tran, Ondrej Habala, Jason Maassen, Balázs Somosköi, Mara Graziani, Matti Heikkurinen, Maximilian Höb and Jan Schmidt

paper accepted at ICORR 2019

The paper entitled “Analyzing the trade-off between training session time and performance in myoelectric hand gesture recognition during upper limb movement” by Matteo Cognolato, Lorenzo Brigato, Yashin Dicente Cid, Manfredo Atzori, Henning Müller has been accepted for publication at the 2019 IEEE-RAS-EMBS International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR).

Presentations at the Valais/Wallis AI Workshop on interpretability

The 5th Valais/Wallis AI Workshop took place last Friday May 3rd at the Idiap Research Institute.

Mara Graziani presented her work on “Concept Measures to Explain Deep Learning Predictions in Medical Imaging” (video).

Vincent Andrearczyk talked about the “Transparency of rotation-equivariant CNNs via local geometric priors” (video).

Keynote speech by Prof. Pena Carlos Andrés and other presentations are also available here.

Paper accepted at TAROS 2019

The paper entitled “An Augmented Reality Environment to Provide Visual Feedback to Amputees during sEMG Data Acquisitions” by Francesca Palermo, Matteo Cognolato, Ivan Eggel, Manfredo Atzori and Henning Müller has been accepted for publication at Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS 2019). The 20th TAROS conference will be held at the Queen Mary University of London, 3-5 July 2019.

Paper on lung graph models accepted at IPMI 2019

The paper entitled “A Graph Model of the Lungs with Morphology-based Structure for Tuberculosis Type Classification” by Yashin Dicente Cid, Oscar Jiménez-del-Toro, Pierre-Alexandre Poletti and Henning Müller, has been accepted at the 26th biennial international conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI 2019). The conference will be held in Hong Kong in June (2-7).

Congratulations to the authors!