
Clean City

Urban densification is the source of many issues linked to traffic, pollution and noise. Currently, there is no tool available to study the impact of various real estate development projects on urban climate. Clean City aims to provide urban planners with a decision support tool in the field of air quality and, more specifically, the dispersion of pollutants.

The main objectives of this project are :

  • Modelling the district of “Les Pâquis” using CAD (Computer-aided design) for CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamcis) as well as creating a 3D model of this neighborhood.
  • Creating an IT system based on open-source CFD software.
  • Simulating different scenarios and comparing the results with experimental tests conducted in a wind tunnel.
  • Designing a methodology to provide solutions for external urban planning project requests.

Illustration by Anne-Christine Dallemagne / La fabrique


Henning Müller

Roger Schaer


hepia (Haute école du paysage, d’ingénierie et d’architecture de Genève)

  • Gilles Triscone
  • Patrick Haas
  • Roberto Putzu
  • Flavio Noca
  • Olivier Donzé
  • Nabil Abdennadher
  • Jacques Richard
  • Albert Bessat
  • Markopekka Niinimaeki

EIA-FR (College of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg)

  • Elena-Lavinia Niederhäuser

HEIG-VD (Haute École d’Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud)

  • François Gervaix

SPAir (Service de la protection de l’air, Système d’information du Territoire Genevois)

  • Pierre Kunz