First open-source version of ParaDISE released

ParaDISE (Parallel Distributed Image Search Engine) is an image retrieval engine developed by the medGIFT research group as a replacement of the GIFT search engine in the context of the KHRESMOI project. The main concepts behind its design are scalability, flexibility, expandability and interoperability, allowing it to be used in standalone applications, integrated systems and for research purposes.

ParaDISE can be found at


Three papers accepted for the SGMI 2014 conference

Three papers submitted by the medGIFT group were accepted at the Swiss Society for Medical Informatics 2014 (SGMI 2014). The presentations will be held on the 8th and 9th September 2014 at Bern, Switzerland. 

The accepted papers are:

– “Crowdsourcing for Medical Image Classification” by Alba García Seco de Herrera, Antonio Foncubierta-Rodríguez, Dimitrios Markonis, Roger Schaer, Henning Müller.

– “A Modern Web Interface for Medical Image Retrieval” by Roger Schaer and Henning Müller. 

– ” Using Google Glass to enhance pre-hospital care” by Antoine Widmer and Henning Müller.

medGIFT group participation at SIGIR 2014

The medGIFT group had a paper presentation at the 37th annual international ACM Special Interest Group On Informaition Retrieval 2014 (ACM SIGIR 2014) conference. The conference took place at Queensland, Australia from the 6-11 July 2014. 

The paper “Multi-modal relevance feedback for medical image retrieval” by Dimitrios MarkonisRoger Schaer and Henning Müller was presented as part of the Medical Information Retrieval (MedIR) workshop.


1st place at the BHI 2014 Student Best Paper Rapid Fire Session

MedGIFT group won the 1st place at the International Conference on Biomedical Health Informatics (BHI) 2014 : Student Best Rapid Fire Session. The paper ‘Multi Atlas-Based Segmentation with an Intensity Feature Refinement’ by Oscar A. Jiménez del Toro and Henning Müller was presented during the session ‘Big Data in Healthcare’ at the BHI 2014.

The Student Best Rapid Fire Session is sponsored by the IEEE EMBS Biomedical and Health Informatics Technical Committee and IEEE EMBS Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.



medGIFT group participation at ISBI 2014

The presentations ‘Anatomical correlations for a hierarchical multi-atlas segmentation of the pancreas in CT images’ and ‘Anatomical correlations for a hierarchical multi-atlas segmentation of CT images’ by Oscar Jiménez and Henning Müller were presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2014. 

The presentations were part of the ISBI challenges ‘Pancreas segmentation in Abdominal CT’ and VISCERAL ISBI challenge. The symposium took place from 29 April to 2 May in Beijing, China. 

A draft version of the submitted paper can be accessed through our publications website.

2nd E-health Day scheduled for 06.06.2014

Digital health, or e-health, is one of the major issues of the 21st century. The second E-health Day on 6 June 2014 will be a chance to discover both Swiss and international expertise in this field. This expertise is found in applied research as well as in young companies and well-established SMEs.

The event, drawing above all on real-life case studies, will give all those attending a chance to gain a relatively exhaustive overview of the issues and the main players in the field, as well as the challenges that await them.
This day is also intended to be an exchange and networking opportunity.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Medical Computer Vision Workshop MICCAI 2013 book now available

The book ‘Medical Computer Vision. Large Data in Medical Imaging’ is now available in Springer. You can find the online version at

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-workshop proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Medical Computer Vision, MCV 2013, held in Nagoya, Japan, in September 2013 in conjunction with the 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2013. The 7 revised full papers and 12 poster papers presented were selected from 25 submissions. They have been organized in topical sections on registration and visualization, segmentation, detection and localization, and features and retrieval. In addition, the volume contains two invited papers describing segmentation task and data set of the VISCERAL benchmark challenge.

Matlab code used in texture paper now available

The matlab code used in the TIP 2013 paper ‘Rotation-Covariant Texture Learning Using Steerable Riesz Wavelets’ is now available. The code and the paper can be found in

The paper is written by Adrien Depeursinge, Antonio Foncubierta-Rodriguez, Dimitri Van De Ville and Henning Müller.

Abstract—We propose a texture learning approach that exploits

local organizations of scales and directions. First, linear

combinations of Riesz wavelets are learned using kernel support

vector machines. The resulting texture “signatures” are modeling

optimal class–wise discriminatory properties. The visualization

of the obtained signatures allows verifying the visual relevance

of the learned concepts. Second, the local orientations of the

signatures are optimized to maximize their responses, which

is carried out analytically and can still be expressed as a

linear combination of the initial steerable Riesz templates. The

global process is iteratively repeated to obtain final rotation–

covariant texture signatures. Rapid convergence of class–wise

signatures is observed, which demonstrates that the instances

are projected into a feature space that leverages the local

organizations of scales and directions. Experimental evaluation

reveals an average classification accuracies in the range of 97%

to 98% for the Outex TC 00010, the Outex TC 00012, and the

Contrib TC 00000 suite for even orders of the Riesz transform,

and suggests high robustness to changes in images orientation

and illumination. The proposed framework requires no arbitrary

choices of scales and directions and is expected to perform well

in a large range of computer vision applications.


MegGIFT group contributes with chapter in Information Retrieval for Computer Vision book

The chapter ‘Fusion Techniques in Biomedical Information Retrieval’ by Alba García Seco de Herrera and Henning Müller was included in the book ‘Fusion in Computer Vision -Understanding Complex Visual Content in Springer Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition’ Eds. Bogdan Ionescu, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Tomas Piatrik, Georges Quénot.

The book will be published by Springer.