Khresmoi project will present their radiology prototypes at the 2013 RSNA conference

The paper ‘A System for Visual Information Retrieval in Images, Radiology Reports and the Medical Literature’ by Dimitrios Markonis et. al. has been accepted for the 2013 RSNA conference in Chicago, IL, USA. With about 60’000 visitors is the biggest conference in the world in radiology.

Khresmoi will have a booth during the entire conference presenting the prototypes and discussing these prototypes with interested radiologists and the companies present at the end. 


Khresmoi professional beta prototype released

A beta version of the Khresmoi Professional prototype is now available. This prototype is aimed at medical professionals. It provides tools such as faceted search, multilingual search, a Personal Library for storing articles and query history. The link to access the prototype is:

tutorial outlining the capabilities of the system is available.

More technical information on this prototype can be found in Deliverable 8.3.

This system is still under development, and this prototype is a snapshot of its current state. This prototype is intended for evaluation use only and should not be used to guide treatment. Comments are welcome.

WIDTH first workshop: Warehousing Images in the Digital Hospital scheduled for July 15-16

The Newsletter from the WIDTH project May 2013 is now available online . It contains information about the upcoming first workshop: Warehousing Images in the Digital Hospital. It will take place next 15-16 July in Athens, Greece. 

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers in medical imaging, medical image retrieval, data mining, machine learning and Artificial Intelligence communities to discuss new techniques in multimodal mining and retrieval and their potential employment in supporting clinical decision makings.

Crowdsourcing approach with medical imaging highlighted in Crowdflower blog

The experiments for the ‘Ground truth generation in medical imaging: A crowd sourcing iterative based approach’ paper were highlighted in the CrowdFlower blog. The research was performed by Antonio Foncubierta and Henning Müller.
In this research crowdsourcing is used as a way to obtain quickly basic ground truth for radiological medical images. The paper can be found at our website publications link

Keynote presentation at Eurographics 3D Object Retrieval Workshop 2013

Prof. Müller was keynote speaker at the 3D Object Retrieval Workshop Series. The topic of the keynote talk was ‘Medical 3D data retrival’. 


Medical tomographic data is produced in enormous quantities and currently very little of the knowledge stored in past cases has been exploited as data is only used in the context of single patients. In difference to object retrieval, tomographic data represents solid  texture and the texture variation inside objects is usually more important than shapes of structures. The presentation will describe methods for retrieval of solid medical 3D texture in several applications and ways to better exploit existing medical data.

The VISCERAL challenge in medical image segmentation and retrieval will be presented that has the goal to bring medical 3D data analysis towards big data. Several terabytes of data will be made available to the scientific community to first identify important body parts and then retrieve similar cases for challenges that will be run inside the cloud.

Paper on texture analysis in dual energy CT accepted for EMBC 2013

The paper ‘Benefits of texture analysis of dual energy CT for computer-aided pulmonary embolism detection’ by Antonio Foncubierta-Rodríguez, Oscar Alfonso Jimenez del Toro, Alexandra Platon, Pierre-Alexandre Poletti, Henning Müller and Adrien Depeursinge has been accepted for publication. 

It will be presented in the 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’13) to be held in Osaka International Convention Center, in Osaka, Japan on July 3-7, 2013.


'Medical 3D data retrieval' keynote talk at Eurographics2013

Prof. Henning Müller has been invited as a speaker at the Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval. This event will take place in Girona (Spain) May 11-2013. 

The Keynote talk is called “Medical 3D data retrieval”:

Medical tomographic data is produced in enormous quantities and currently very little of the knowledge stored in past cases has been exploited as data is only used in the context of single patients. In difference to object retrieval, tomographic data represents solid texture and the texture variation inside objects is usually more important than shapes of structures. The presentation will describe methods for retrieval of solid medical 3D texture in several applications and ways to better exploit existing medical data. 

The VISCERAL challenge in medical images segmentation and retrieval will be presented that has the goal to bring medical 3Ddata analysis towards big data. Several terabytes of data will be made available to the scientific community to first identify important body parts and then retrieve similar cases for challenges that will be run inside the cloud. 


'Medical Content-Based Retrieval for Clinical Decision Support' available online

The book ‘Medical Content-Based Retrieval for Clinical Decision Support’ is now available online. Prof. Henning Müller contributes as editor. 

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third MICCAI Workshop on Medical Content-Based Retrieval for Clinical Decision Support, MCBR-CBS 2012, held in Nice, France, in October 2012.
The 10 revised full papers presented together with 2 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 15 submissions. The papers are divided on several topics on image analysis of visual or multimodal medical data (X-ray, MRI, CT, echo videos, time series data), machine learning of disease correlations in visual or multimodal data, algorithms for indexing and retrieval of data from visual or multimodal medical databases, disease model-building and clinical decision support systems based on visual or multimodal analysis, algorithms for medical image retrieval or classification, systems of retrieval or classification using the ImageCLEF collection.

Content Level » Research

Keywords » 3D retrieval – computer-aided diagnosis – multimodality – spatiotemporal polynomials– visual search

Related subjects » Database Management & Information Retrieval – Image Processing – Software Engineering

PROMISE 'Information Retrieval Meets Information Visualization' book available online

‘Information Retrieval Meets Information Visualization’ book is now available online. It constitutes the outcome of the PROMISE Winter School 2012 and contains 11 invited lectures from the research domains information retrieval and information visualization. A large variety of subjects are covered, including hot topics such as crowdsourcing and social media.

The research domains information retrieval and information visualization have always been independent from each other. However, they have the potential to be mutually beneficial. With this in mind, a writer school was organized in Zinal, Switzerland, in January 2012, within the context of the EU-funded research project PROMISE (Participative Research Laboratory for Multimedia and Multilingual Information Systems Evaluation).  PROMISE aims at advancing the experimental evaluation of complex multimedia and multilingual information systems in order to support individuals, commercial entities, and communities who design, develop, employ, and improve such complex systems. The overall goal of PROMISE is to deliver a unified environment collecting data, knowledge, tools, and methodologies, and to help the user community involved in experimental evaluation.
Content Level » Research
Keywords » complex systems – evaluation – search context – user-oriented information retrieval visual analytics
Related subjects » Database Management & Information Retrieval – HCI – Information Systems and Applications – Media Design

'Information Retrieval Meets Information Visualization' book now available online

The revised tutorial lectures from PROMISE Winter School 2012 are now available online by Springer. 

It can be found at this Springer link. It contains:

-Introduction to Information Visualisation.– Principles for Human-Centred Design of IR Interfaces.- Human-Computer Interaction View on Information Retrieval.- User-Oriented Information Retrieval.- User-Oriented Evaluation in IR.- Multimedia Information Retrieval in a Social Context.- TREC-Style.- Visual Analytics and Information Retrieval.- An Introduction to Crowdsourcing for Language and Multimedia Technology Research.- Medical (Visual) Information Retrieval.- Is Visualization Usable for Displaying Web Search Results in an Exploratory Search Context?.